intimacy issues?

Got intimacy issues? You're in the right place! I empower couples to create intimate connection and communication in their relationship and go from feeling like disconnected roommates to connected, intimate partners again.

$47 Resource

The Connection Collection

Choose, plan and schedule non-boring date nights

Get practical tools for having conversations

Create connection again in your relationship

And boost sexual intimacy as well as intimacy of other types

The Connection Collection

Intimacy issues are common and if you're like most couples, you just want connection in your relationship.

But you have no idea how to create that connection, everything else in your life takes priority over your relationship and you’re too busy to have date nights (or they’re the same-old boring thing time after time).

Get this simple system for non-boring date nights so you finally have a clue how to create that connection and prioritize your relationship.

A black woman wearing a light pink shirt and a person who appears to be a white male wearing a beige sweater are shifting intimacy issues and creating connection in their relationship.

$57 Toolkit

The Relationship Roadmap

Gain clarity about what you authentically want

Explore types of touch and sensation

Create a unique vision for your relationship

Actually implement your vision with a simple system

The Relationship Roadmap

If you're like most couples, you feel like you're just not creating what you want in your relationship. But ...

You're not sure what that even is.

You’re too busy to create an actual relationship vision and take the action steps toward making it a reality.

And what you really want (if you know what that is) is silent inside your own head and you're not sure how to get it out and into your life.

Two people of unclear sex and race holding hands, with one person laying on top of the other in bed.
A lesbian couple sitting up side by side and under the covers in bed. One woman is white and is wearing a light pink shirt and black rimmed glasses and is holding a coffee cup. The other woman is Black and is laying on her side looking at her partner.
A woman who appears to be white, wearing a black bra, laying face down on a bed with her hands above her head, grasping the sheet like she’s experiencing pleasure.

$27 Resource

The Values Vault

Discover your unique values as a couple

Prioritize your values in your relationship

Incorporate your values as your relationship guide

Create connection with a simple system

The Values Vault

Like many couples, do you feel like you're never on the same page with your partner?

And like you have no direction in your relationship?

With Values Vault, you'll walk away with your top ten values as a couple and a system to actually use them in your relationship so you can create that direction and also feel like connected, romantic partners again.

A black woman wearing a light pink shirt and a person who appears to be a white male wearing a beige sweater are shifting intimacy issues and creating connection in their relationship.

Private Coaching

Create the Connection You Really Want

Discover and express your uniqueness (individual or couple)

Create connection in your relationship

Build healthy, emotionally intelligent communication

Shift the underlying factors that get in the way

Relationship Coaching for Couples

Does it seem like you and your partner are speaking different languages and are never on the same page? Or all you ever talk about is the daily stuff like who's picking up milk on the way home?

Feel like disconnected roommates instead of connected, romantic partners?

Are you going through the motions with same-old, same-old sex and boring date nights (if any)?

Coaching might be right for you to get clear on what you want and communicate it, create connection in your relationship and shift the intimacy issues that are getting in the way. All with personalized, one-on-one support.

Two disabled Black people (a femme wearing compression gloves and a non-binary person in a power wheelchair that's partially in view) sit across each other and laugh while on a coffee date in a brick building. Photo from Disabled And Here:
Two people of unclear sex and race holding hands, with one person laying on top of the other in bed.
A middle-aged white woman with grey hair wearing a black, long-sleeved shirt with white polka dots and a middle-aged white man with grey hair wearing a grey, long-sleeved shirt, sitting next to each other and facing the camera while leaning against the back of a couch.


Connection for Couples

Discover Key Elements to Create Connection & Intimacy

Uncover & Shift What Gets in the Way of Connection & Intimacy

Create a Personalized Plan

Boost Your Emotional Intimacy

Connection for Couples

If you feel like connection is missing in your relationship and like you and your partner are disconnected roommates instead of romantic partners, this course is for you.

In it, you'll discover how to create connection and boost emotional intimacy and by the end of the course, you'll have a personalized list of 31 practical ideas to reignite intimacy and connection with your partner.

Two disabled Black people (a femme wearing compression gloves and a non-binary person in a power wheelchair that's partially in view) sit across each other and laugh while on a coffee date in a brick building. Photo from Disabled And Here:
Two people of unclear sex and race holding hands, with one person laying on top of the other in bed.
A middle-aged white woman with grey hair wearing a black, long-sleeved shirt with white polka dots and a middle-aged white man with grey hair wearing a grey, long-sleeved shirt, sitting next to each other and facing the camera while leaning against the back of a couch.


Connected Communication

Discover What Communication Actually Is & Key Foundational Skills

Get Practical Tools for Conversations

Embody Emotional Intelligence

Talk to Your Partner Even if You Feel Scared, Awkward or Embarrassed

Connected Communication

Ever feel like all you talk about with your partner is who's picking up milk on the way home? Maybe you're tired of having the same freaking argument ... again. And maybe you are sick of feeling awkward about how to talk about what you really want in the bedroom.

If you're struggling with communication in your relationship, this course is for you. You'll walk away with tools to have fun and authentic talks with your partner.

A black woman wearing a light pink shirt and a person who appears to be a white male wearing a beige sweater are shifting intimacy issues and creating connection in their relationship.

what others say

I had so many unresolved feelings and limiting beliefs ...

A grayscale head shot of Katy Suik wearing black rimmed glasses and a sleeveless shirt that appears gray.

"I don't talk about my sex life with anyone except for you and my husband. But you have this way of just making me feel not judged ... making me feel safe and like it's okay. And when I do the hamster wheel thing and go back to my old story, you remind me and put me back on track. The time we spent together was truly incredibly healing for me and soooo needed. Up until then, I had so many unresolved feelings and limiting beliefs. I will FOREVER hold you in my heart as someone who has truly changed my life. That is saying so much because I searched high and low for someone that could walk me through those difficult feelings. So thank you!'“

~ Katy Suik, Transformational Coach


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and accessibility.

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488 Lee Ridge Road NW Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6K 2K3